Get to know your coach

Max Fossouo
Sales Mindset & Leadership Coach
+1-617-818-6762 (whatsapp)
+225-05-94-11-08-49 (Côte d'Ivoire)
With me, you will get better at selling your ideas, championing a sales mindset, sharpening your sales process, understanding your power "WHY", and strengthening your sales leadership skills.
A Bit About Him
Max Fossouo also called WARABA is the Founder and CEO of the sales enablement company
Elite Waraba.
With 20 years of experience, Max Fossouo is one of the very few people who made it from sales
agent to CEO successfully in 3 continents. First in France as part of the Roland Garros
outsourced sales teams, then in the US where he sold educational books door-to-door while
leading a team of other students that he personally hired as student leader and corporate
recruiter, then as Sales and Marketing Director in Cameroon, Country Head of Sales in Côte
d'Ivoire, Vice President of Sales leading 3 countries, Chief Commercial Officer, and CEO at
If there is someone who understands sales, leadership, and the challenges to communicate and
lead large teams in Africa, it's Max.
As top executive for international organizations, he worked in the solar industry leading a 500
sales team, agribusiness leading a 2000+ people sales organization, insurance building a
network of 50 brokers, and in the fintech industry building everything from the ground up.
Born in Cameroon, studied in Germany and France, then moved to the US where he gained
most of sales skills. In 2013 he decided to continue his professional venture to Africa and has
worked in Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Mali, and Tanzania.
Max was featured in international magazine such as The New Yorker on an article "The Race to Solar". Max was guest speaker to radio show such "Clé de Réussite" of Life Radio. Max is frequently requested as speaker or panelist on topics such sales, business, and leadership in Africa in industries such solar, agro-businesses, insurance.
He loves lions and traveling around for business, and savor cookies and milk.
Work Experience
Since 2022
2013 - 2022
2002 - 2013
Resigned from the position of VP Sales to launch Elite Waraba. First winning the contract of the Dakar-based fintech company MaTontine, then an ivorian food company Made In Africa, then the energy company Engie, and the fintech Push in Côte d'Ivoire where he acts as Chief Commercial Officer.
Flew back to Africa as a C-Level Sales Executive. First in Cameroon as Sales and Marketing Director in Insurance, then in Côte d'Ivoire as Country Head of Sales in solar energy, and then in Senegal as Vice President of Sales leading Mali, Senegal, and Tanzania markets.
Sold books as sales rep to Organizational Leader, then Corporate Recruiter between the US and France. Then based in the US and worked as sales consultant in Nashville TN, and then Membership Director in Boston.

As a founder, author, speaker, and leader, I believe growth comes from sales and people and therefore everyone must have a sales mindset.